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Eco-friendly Christmas decor: Langdale crew at BC Ferries made trash beautiful

I was truly impressed by the eco-friendly ornaments on the real Christmas tree at Langdale Ferry Terminal on B.C.’s Sunshine Coast.

The Langdale shore crew used items from their onsite recycling bin and upcycled them to create at least a dozen tree decorations. Among their artistry, they created plastic strips to make white garlands, transformed drink containers into snowmen, and displayed paper birds’ nests, formed from shredded paper.

As the imaginative workers wrote on a sign beside the tree, 90 percent or more of the items on the tree were recycled. The only exceptions were two dozen small plastic baubles retrieved from an attic, which otherwise would have ended up in the landfill.

I applaud such an environmentally aware approach to seasonal decorating. Thank you for taking the initiative to promote fun, “green” activities and for sharing your creations with the public. I hope that this will inspire others to do the same next year. You’ve made trash beautiful.

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December 28, 2012 at 1:55 pm
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