I help individuals and organizations create and share stories that heal, inspire, promote, and empower themselves and others.
What stories lie untold within you? Let me help you transform them into a form that connects with others.
From inspiration, take soulful action

— Duane Burnett photo
Hello all. Welcome to my blog. I started out as a conflicted blogger, not wanting to spend even more time in front of a screen than I already do as an author, educator, and freelance writer/editor.
I got over that. After all, I love personal narrative and advocacy. Writing is my greatest passion. By nature, I’m a teacher and communicator. A blog sorta fits with that. So here I am. I love the notion of a global village, that words on a screen can connect people across time zones and nations, from tiny hamlets to overflowing cities.
I post in one or more topics in the right-hand column. My newest category is TRAUMA, TABOOS, AND SEXUAL POLITICS. I share my views on rape, incest, and sexual abuse, related high-profile cases, and the challenges of healing from, and writing about, these. I’ll talk about some of the stories I’ve worked on with my writing clients who’ve suffered trauma, whether it’s through life-threatening surgery, refugee experience, or mental illness.
Some posts appear under several categories, such as “media” and “writing” or “environment” and “education.” To view my most recent posts, please click on this month’s dates, highlighted and underlined in blue, in the calendar in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
Obviously, I’m not a single-themed blogger. I liken my blog process to a walk on the beach: one day, I might just skip stones for a few minutes or pick up a fossil. On another, I might lie against a log and contemplate, explore the kelp and shells at tideline, or play in the surf. It’s never a straight line to anywhere.
I invite you to dip in your toes and wander through this bit of virtual beach. Please feel free to add comments, scrawl a message in the sand or leave no trace, as you choose. I welcome new subscribers (just click on “subscribe” at the bottom right-hand side of this page).
Find out more about me at www.heatherconn.com.

— Heather Conn photo
Entrance to Roberts Creek pier