See Chasing Ice: Wake up, global-warming skeptics!
Anyone who thinks that human activity and industry have little or no impact on global warming needs to see the astounding 2012 documentary Chasing Ice. (This movie was screened last week at The Heritage Theatre in Gibsons, BC as part of the Sunshine Coast’s excellent Green Films series.)
National Geographic nature photographer James Balog, a former geologist who was himself a skeptic about climate change, uses truly disturbing Arctic footage to prove how quickly the world’s glaciers are indeed receding. With the help of young male assistants, some of whom have never even worn crampons, he sets up Nikon time-lapse cameras in Arctic glacial fields in places such as Iceland and Greenland and checks them after a six-month interval.
What he discovers surprises even him. When he initially holds up a photo taken a half-year earlier of a glacial landscape that stretches in front of him, he thinks that he must be looking at a different location. He can’t believe how much ice has disappeared in such a short time. But when he rechecks the contours, he confirms that yes, it is the same spot.
As part of his self-created Extreme Ice Survey, Balog crawls onto high, fragile ice shelves to shoot straight into a crevasse. He ropes himself to the shoreline while taking stills of glacier-fed waves smashing onto ice floes. He scales and belays down steep walls of ice, all the while in pain from a much-operated-on knee which doctors say he shouldn’t even be walking on. His eldest daughter says she’s never seen her father so passionate about any project.
The most visceral scenes, besides Balog’s own stunning imagery of glaciers and Arctic ice, are the outlines on a topographical diagram that carve out how much polar ice has disappeared in the last 10 years, compared to the previous century. After managing to film one ice peninsula, the length of five football fields, breaking off, Balog is inspired to capture the same activity at one of the world’s largest glaciers in the Arctic.
He assigns two young assistants, stranded amidst frozen oblivion for two weeks, to keep a camera trained on this glacier. Sadly for us and the planet, and yet fortuitously for the filmmakers, the monumental wall of ice, higher and far bigger than the entire Manhattan skyline, rises up 600 feet, turns on its side, and “calves” (breaks) off. The process takes an hour.
I think that this remarkable, 75-minute documentary should be required viewing in all schools and workplaces.
With multi-festival awards from Sundance and Telluride to Hot Docs, it offers beautiful cinematography by director/co-producer Jeff Orlowski. Editor Davis Coombe does an excellent job of weaving together Balog’s stills with his indoor public appearances and footage from helicopters, dogsled and canoe. Both writer Mark Monroe and co-producer Paula Du Pre Pesmen, repeat their respective roles from the Academy-award-winning documentary The Cove about the slaughter of dolphins.
Some critics charge that Chasing Ice is more emotion than science, but researchers interviewed in the film confirm Balog’s findings. The documentary doesn’t give a platform to the political naysayers who dismiss global warming, yet its website provides a list of top 10 questions that people ask about climate change. The site also provides the resource
Meanwhile, veteran Arctic researcher David Barber, director of the Centre for Earth Observation Science at the University of Manitoba, warns that North Pole ice, which used to be considered impenetrable, is now more like Swiss cheese. When he first visited the Arctic in the 1980s, the ice there usually receded only about a few kilometres offshore by the end of the summer. Today, he must travel more than 1,000 kilometres north into the Beaufort Sea to even find the ice.
James Hansen, a climate scientist with NASA, says: “The scientific community realizes that we have a planetary emergency.” Peter Wadhams, one of the world’s top ice experts from Cambridge University, told The Guardian this month that Arctic sea ice will collapse within four years (in the summer months), calling this “a global disaster.”
Here in British Columbia, the Sierra Club recently announced that the province’s 2010 carbon emissions are four times higher than those reported by the provincial government last June. The B.C. Liberals stated then that 2010 emissions had dropped by 4.5 percent to 62 million tonnes. But the Sierra Club report “Emissions Impossible?” reveals that these emissions total more than 250 million tonnes, when emissions from fossil fuel exports and forests are included. Click here to read more at Sierra Club BC.
What can you do? Stay informed. Ask how your lifestyle and purchasing choices affect global warming. Join groups such as Bill McKibben’s and support the ones that are educators and advocates for the planet, including scientists and politicians.
Join with like-minded others. Calculate your ecological footprint. Drive less or not at all. Walk and bike.
September 26, 2012 at 12:24 pm
October 1, 2012 at 8:12 amklem
“Join with like-minded others. Calculate your ecological footprint. Drive less or not at all. Walk and bike.”
Exactly. I wish more people would leave their cars at home, that way demand for gas would be less so it would be cheaper for me, and there would be less traffic for me as well. Please walk or bike folks, please. Leave your cars at home, I’ve got alot of driving to do. Lol!
September 26, 2012 at 6:32 pmFrank L. McElroy
My television is on news 24 hours a day, and no matter what the channel there are endless commercials about how Exxon is going to “solve this” meaning getting better teachers into schools (not identified as the problem to be solved), how Shell is going to foster the development of solar and wind if they can just get the gas out, how Chevron is going to develop North America’s essential and clean gas economy, and how BP is in the Gulf of Mexico and has invested more money in the US than any other country (there are at least two interpretations of that statement).
The last drop, last fart industries don’t care about anything except satisfying the insatiable needs of people to consume hydrocarbons that can be delivered in a pipe or converted to electronic impulses conveyed over hydro lines. The problem is that we need too much already, and every aspect of capitalism is trying to increase the number of “we” to expand consumer markets. So more energy is an essential demand.
Last evening the strange candidate for US Vice President, Paul Ryan, answered a question from a woman struggling to get off of welfare. She asked him for his advice. His response was that you teach a man to fish and he feeds himself for life.
Compassion, meaningful concern and action, are all things which are missing in my east coast, US locale. At least if you listen to the boobs, liars, and con-artists. Real people agree with Heather and the scientists she has noted. The US EPA has run a children’s site on climate change for over 10 years which spells it out – most of the hungry politicians could learn a lot, but choose not to. For reasons of allegiance to industry and finance.
So Heather is right on the mark. Use less. But that’s not enough. Thoughtful people need to find a way to move the rest of the world to do the same. Occupy has potential. But as the great Tip O’Neil said, it’s all local. Exercise the sanction (vote) locally, act locally, but make sure the entire world knows what you’re doing and demand that they fall in line.