Canada’s Prime Minister no friend of the earth
I think it’s disgusting that until his recent decision to go, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had no plans to attend this month’s climate change conference in Copenhagen. It’s not surprising, considering he hails from Canada’s petro-province Alberta, home of the Tar Sands project, a major global polluter and carbon-producer. (The Alberta government calls the Tar Sands “the magic sandpile.”) Harper is the son of an Imperial Oil executive. His so-called environment minister, Jim Prentice, also comes from Alberta.
Harper appears to have changed his mind about attending the Copenhagen conference simply because U.S. President Barack Obama is going and because an Angus Reid poll showed that Canadians want him there. He certainly hasn’t made climate change or reducing carbon emissions a priority in our country. Hell, even China has vowed to cut its carbon emissions by up to 45 per cent in the next decade.